The Marina Coast Water District's Central Marina and Ord Community water service areas overlie portions of the Monterey Subbasin, the 180/400 Foot Aquifer Subbasin, and part of the Seaside Adjudicated Basin. Three of the District wells are located in Central Marina and five wells are in the Ord Community.
The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) granted the District exclusive Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) status within its jurisdictional boundaries within the Monterey Subbasin and the 180/400 Subbasin. Since the District has been determined to be an exclusive GSA in both the Monterey Subbasin and the 180/400 Subbasin, the MCWD GSA will be engaged in the development of Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GS plans) for the entirety of these two Subbasins, in coordination with other GSA's within these Subbasins. Portions of the Ord Community water system in both the Monterey Subbasin and the 180/400 are currently in an "overlap state" as both the District and the Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency have filed notifications with DWR to be the exclusive GSA over these areas.
The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) will begin reviewing and approving the Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GS plans) once the GSA formation period ends June 30, 2017. The 180/400 Aquifer Subbasin GS plan has to be prepared by January 31, 2020 and the Monterey Subbasin GS plan has to be prepared by January 31, 2022.
Development and implementation of the GS plans will require consideration of all beneficial uses and interests of groundwater, groundwater users, managers, stakeholders and interested parties. The MCWD GSA will have to develop an open and inclusive process and provide opportunities for input from interested stakeholders, develop roles and responsibilities of committees and committee meetings, and obtain the necessary technical advice regarding groundwater sustainability issues.